Tuesday, September 21, 2010

In search of a Mentor

From many days I am in search of a person – a master who can direct, teach, share, scold, make me listen, convince with facts, enlighten, destroy the evil in me and make me more sensible, productive, knowledgeable, humble, richer and happier.

I think each of us at one point of time get stuck where we become kind of brain dead. We will struggle to take even a smallest decision. Sort of dead end where nothing flashes. No matter what you do, how much ever u think, no use. That’s when the mentor / master will come in to picture. Who can see the situation as an outsider, analyze, use his experience and give us the helping hand, show us the direction. Just like someone throws a big rope when you are getting sucked up in the Quick sand.

Sometime when we are supposed take some big decision in our life, which can change your life, put you on to some new road, a new direction ,a new world all together, make you prosperous, healthier, happier and proud. Then your mind will say “ Why don’t you take a second opinion ?”. Stuck, Big time. Whom to ask ? Who can think out of the box ? Who can think in your favour and still be non jealous? Who can guide you properly? Who has already done this? I think that’s when we need the mentor / master whom we can simply believe and go ahead.
I am greatly in search on one. Don’t know when I get? Where I get ?Will I ever get ? . Think time is the answer. Till then the search is on.

Anyway there is a link in which you can register yourself for the Mentoring activity. I tried once and for sometime the link was down. I should try again.

Lets share what we have, Lets gain by sharing.


1 comment:

  1. Well thought and a good approach to life.

    And I think whoever you meet in your life and who are to stay, they all assume a small role as a mentor in some way. Different people have different things to contribute and you take the best from them and vice versa.

    Do you really think that you will find that one person who will have answers to all your questions?
